Worship is More Than A Song – Receive Deliverance – Freedom – Healing

[Thoughts to Ponder 🤔🙏🔥]

❤️🎶🔥Worship is more than a song…allow God to bring you deliverance, freedom and healing today! (Thoughts to Ponder are below the video)

🎉🙏Praise God for who He is and who we are in him! What a blessing and privilege to be sons and daughters of the most High God!

Today, we want to share some thoughts to ponder on truly embracing who our God really is and our adoption as sons and daughters. I will be highlighting some things that the enemy brings and tries to slime our identity with and if we don’t take care of this, how it can stunt our growth and keep us in self-deception.

Also we will share some practical out-workings of deliverance from these things and allowing God to bring freedom and healing.

🎯 When we don’t know our true identity things will trigger us left right and centre. This will cause us stunting and hindrance in growth. The word of God tells us there comes a time to stop drinking the milk but eat real food. We are supposed to “grow up” and step into the fullness of our callings!

🎯Too many Christians although, will “do works” for performance sakes, they may read the word of God daily, pray, lead groups, participate in worship teams, and other ministries but their hearts are stunted and or blocked from the fullness of life God has for them!

🎯Please understand that their hearts are beautiful and God sees this, but in practical daily living there’s a hindrance and repeated cycles of bondage…this becomes a torment to them and to others.

🎯They enemy has them stuck in “works” rather than “being sons and daughters” of God full of the fruit of the spirit of God – our inheritance! (Galatians 5:22-23)

🎯 Key 🔑:

Some of this “works to be loved” instead of “being a child of God” cycle may come from traumas from childhood of not being validated, seen or heard, abandonment, neglect or other abuses. The enemy has found his way into the hearts that had a void through whatever trauma that needed real love, acceptance, safety, comfort.

🔑They have discovered by “being good or serving” people give them acceptance. The only problem is the core wound hasn’t been healed so the enemy has a legal right to torment and they often find themselves competitive, jealous and controlling.

🔑Deliverance and healing is needed like surgery of the heart to unclog the valves that are blocked!

🎯A scarcity mindset will keep us in fear and stirring up competition and jealousy. Fearing if someone shines brighter than us, and deep rooted fear that we will be forgotten is a very real thing and tremendous lie of the enemy.

🎯Fear will also drive very unhealthy control of our situations, surroundings, friends and the best of relationships.


When we really know our God! When we really know who we are in him, all the lies of fear and control fall to the ground.

🎯The chains of bondage that have kept us entrapped for so long and even generations, will break off. This is God’s promise to us.

🔑This doesn’t just happen though, we have to be intentional, repent of it, let go of giving Satan legal right to continue to torment us, we have to bind that up and get rid of it and allow God to have access to our hearts and bring deliverance and healing.

🎉🔑🔥Good news:

This is our God!! He will make this possible!! Let your identity in Christ arise! Let freedom and love be your portion to receive but also that you might give! Holy Spirit all consuming fire can burn away that which attempts to invade and hinder us! Remember.. Christ has won the victory through his resurrection power and this is our inheritance!

Let’s Pray 🙏❤️❤️‍🩹

❤️‍🩹 Thank you Lord that I am yours! I fully embrace my adoption in you.

❤️‍🩹 Forgive me that I’ve tried to do “works” rather than embrace my true adoption in “being yours”.

❤️‍🩹I renounce trying to rule my life instead of letting you fully rule and reign in my life.

❤️‍🩹 As I renounce my old ways, keep me from spiritual pride. Help me have a contrite heart before you and have compassion, grace and love for those in their journey. Help me be a conduit of healing.

❤️‍🩹 Thank you Lord that there is a unique place in the Kingdom of God for me.

❤️‍🩹 Thank you Lord that your love and my identity in you is being healed

❤️‍🩹 Thank you Lord that my inheritance is in you alone.

❤️‍🩹 thank you Lord for forgiveness and healing my heart from those that plot my destruction and have had a jealous eye on me. You are my healer and you are my shield. I chose forgiveness and freedom today.

❤️‍🩹 Thank you Lord that you are giving me eyes to see and ears to hear that You are my God and all scarcity mindset and fear must go from my life in Jesus’s name as I sing and proclaim who you are! You are the deliverer!

❤️‍🩹 I bless the body of Christ and each individual who you’ve gifted and bring their blessings and their unique voice to the table.

❤️‍🩹 I bless all my friends, family and relationships. Forgive me for those I’ve spoken against, slandered, judged wrongly out loud or in my heart. Forgive me for mistreating and dishonouring your creation Lord and that I have brought grief to your heart through my insecurities and jealousies.

❤️‍🩹 Forgive me that at times I’ve pointed fingers at others when it was my own jealous, insecure heart at work. I’m my self protection, it bred a prideful spirit of self-righteousness and I’ve cursed instead of blessed.

❤️‍🩹I release all cursing through judgements In Jesus’s name and ask you would bring blessings to those I have misunderstood and misjudged.

❤️Bring healing to my heart Lord. I embrace the power of Holy Spirit in my life to consume the dross and full my heart with comfort and the fullness of the fruit of the spirit of God.

❤️Deliver me from the snares on of the enemy but also my wrong choices to not trust you God and to not fully embrace my identity in you.

❤️Thank you for deliverance and freedom that I might also be a pure conduit to be a blessing to others.

❤️ I want to be a carrier and giver of your love and life my God.

In Jesus name ~ Amen 🙏❤️

Worship with us and allow God to minister to you in the areas of freedom, deliverance and healing!

Video below”This is Our God” – Phil Wickham


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