Thoughts To Ponder: Fasting

Thoughts To Ponder: Fasting

🍁🍃 Happy October! 🎉🥧 This month we will focus some posts on digging deeper into the topic of Biblical Fasting.

📖 Today’s scripture is Isaiah 58:6

🧐🤔 Some “Thoughts To Ponder”:

Let’s start here with what it’s not:

Some will fast and parade it like the Pharisees did…out if “works” and to be seen and “admired”. God never called us to that and Jesus took a stand and was very vocal to oppose “Pharisaical works”.

Some will fast and even while fasting, continue to treat others harshly and be oppressive, manipulative and be takers rather than givers.

Some will hold positions of home/church/ministry leadership yet continue in their secret sins all the while they are “fasting” and subsequently.

Some will fast as a “religious duty”, and really end up fortifying a religious and self righteous spirit leading to entrenched spiritual pride as it’s not done for the right reasons.

Some will fast, just to be part of the pack because everyone else is doing it. They do this to be “accepted”, but miss the mark on finding true acceptance and authentic relationship with Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Some will fast to just “get, get, get” info or answered prayer from God..treating him like their sugar daddy. They forget that God wants relationship and not be dishing out the daily news report! Lol 😝

🛑✋ K… there, I said it..that’s some of the yucky stuff 🤢

🙏❤️ I pray we will have a contrite heart to NOT play games with God or God’s people. That we would genuinely desire a real love and intimate relationship with God.

The good news is that if you have been part of the yucky stuff, God can straighten that out. You are on a journey and at times with lack of knowledge or mentoring, the enemy can get in there to try and derail your walk with the Lord and your destiny in Christ, BUT God can heal and set your course on the right path. He wants true relationship with you!

✅ Some of What It Is : (more to come)

True fasting is often done in the secret place. Often times, Holy Spirit will move our hearts to a fast without anyone knowing.

A true fast is a turning of our hearts towards Him, to allow our hearts be seen wholly by Him, to be closer and to be filled as we allow the deep dark & hurtful places to be emptied and replaced by His true love.

It’s a time of intimacy “into-me-see”. A leaning on His strength, wisdom and power. It is more about His infilling, rather than our abstaining.

Fasting is a time of deep intimacy of sitting at His feet to hear His heartbeat, His words, His secrets…. that will indeed transform us from the inside out if we allow His presence to seep into every place of our very being.

God bless you as you step into your personal seasons of fasting.

We will chat more about this with “Thoughts to Ponder…” this month. ❤️🙏