Think On These Things – Philippians 4:8

[THOUGHTS TO PONDER…Think On These Things Philippians 4:8 ]

❤️🙏Through the storms, it can be tempting to hyper focus on the bad news. God wants to carry the heavies and he gives us guidance through the storms and tools of warfare in His word!

💔❤️‍🩹 While the storms may be rough and real to ride out, we certainly don’t undermine the reality of this, we have to hold on to the truth of who we are and who we are in Christ. This is not toxic positivity, it’s walking out our inheritance as believers. We are sons and daughters of the Almighty!

The Good News also is that we are never alone and He is a shield about us. We belong to Him and His promises are true.

It’s so important to bind our minds to the mind of Christ and our will to His will. Allow Holy Spirit’s comfort and God’s promises to deep deep into your hearts.

❤️🙏If you are feeling overwhelmed, check out His word and lean into this truth:

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely — dwell on these things. – Philippians 4:8


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