Summit Arise International Ministries Isaiah 60:1-5 | Restoring - Equipping - Empowering Leaders To The Fullness of Their God Given Calling Sat, 01 Jun 2024 07:25:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Summit Arise International Ministries 32 32 ARISE TOUR Live in Your City! Isaiah 60:1-3 Sat, 18 May 2024 07:10:00 +0000 It’s time for your breakthrough!

SUMMIT ARISE presents ARISE TOUR Concert of prayer, worship, arts, equipping messages, ministry and activation.

This is also an event that brings together practical applications from SAIM Academy schools of worship, intercession, prophetic, evangelism, biblical studies, practical living, ministry, marketplace and more!

]]> 1960 Wisdom – Our Process with God – Freedom – Dealing with Offences Sat, 20 Apr 2024 07:23:07 +0000 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5


🤔💭 Some thoughts to ponder & pray through 🙏

Our world is imperfect.

We are imperfect.

People are imperfect.

Nothing will turn out perfect.

But God, He is perfect!

Take a deep breath. Thank Him for who He is and who we are in Him.

Answers are found in God, His presence, His word as the source of all, all wisdom, provision, love and life. He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three in one.

Some are asking for breakthroughs and for wisdom. This is good!

Some are wanting answers and God to fulfill their desires. This is good too!

Some are wanting to be leaders: business, ministry and in their homes etc. This is good!

🔑🔥❤🎁But here’s the thing:


There’s a process with God. Throughout scripture we see refiners fire 🔥 Yes, through the journey we can receive blessings and gifts from God as it is a journey with God. You cannot walk with God in your journey and not expect refiners fire 🔥 in your life. This alone is one of the greatest gifts 🎁 God gives his kids cause He is a good Father and a true friend. Real friends love you enough to tell you the truth!

God isn’t a sugar daddy or McDonald’s drive-thru!

In a world of “instant”, there’s an entitlement attitude that is almost wanting God to give answers a pop tart. Lol 😝

Meanwhile, God loves His kids enough that He is not responding with some of the answers to prayer or the desires of your heart yet as He’s wanting to bring deliverance and healing. True and deep healing first. ❤‍🩹 In Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy in the Old Testament , we see that God took the Egyptians out of slavery, He delivered them out of the hands of Pharaoh and led them through the wilderness to the promised land. This was a process..a process of great love with God at the helm.

Providing answers or gifts 🎁 prematurely when there’s still a process to walk through would only set up man/woman for downfall out of God’s timing.

People are imperfect. Moses had anger issues even as a leader. God set him free through a process. Even after they saw God majorly flexing muscle for them, delivering them from Egypt, parting the Red Sea, providing food in the desert, the people had problems grumbling & complaining, submitting to Moses’ leadership and even serving other idols while in the journey to the promised land!

Sounds Crazy right? Well, believers are still doing that today. Satan is a liar and still tries the same old strategies keeping people in the wilderness forever!

❤🔥 BUT the good news is God is our deliverer! He is the same yesterday, today and forever and YOU are His child!! How cool is that?

Let me share some of what I see:

Some need deliverance – a coming out of Egypt – slavery to the snares of the enemy.

🔥🔥🔥 Some are “stuck” emotionally, spiritually, physically, relationally as there is a need deliverance from from offences, healing and restoration in relationships and integrity in those relationships before God will allow for more.

🔑 Here’s some thoughts that comes to mind:


Iron sharpens iron. ❤⚔🎁

God also gave us other people so we would have community and hear his voice also in relationships… yes, he does speak in relationships, not in isolation. Wisdom is also found in communion with one another.

God created others. He entrusts us with relationships. This is a gift 🎁 from God to us! It matters to God how we handle the relationships He has brought us. The enemy hates this.

Offences are a tool of the enemy to keep us isolated. Burning bridges, here and there. Holding offences and judgements. Running from one person to another like orphans. Running away when it’s getting too close and fear of actually being known. In relationships you will be known, that’s the point of relationships!


Running from one place to another will keep us stuck in an endless pit of “orphan mindset” and manipulative ways so that we don’t ever truly belong. This is also a way of making “people” our source and not God.

Some may need to hear this:

Just Stop it. 🛑

You are worth freedom and being set free from this slavery.

There’s a snare Satan and web he’s been trying to weave in your life to keep you from stepping into the fullness of what God has for you.

Some may need to go back and apologize to God for running and hiding and for judgements, holding offences and breaking relationships.

Some of what’s happened here is Satan has succeeded in keeping people stuck in an “orphan mindset”.

– I don’t belong.

– I’m always betrayed.

– Why are others getting the blessings, opportunities I wanted?

– My friends are getting close to others I love. But they are mine, they are MY safe place!

– everything is mine, mine, mine

– I want to control, run away, distance, retaliate …

🔑 Satan is weaving a web. A trap with all this.

🛑It’s a trap to keep people in an Orphan mindset, isolated and even developing a deep sense of not belonging.

The enemy succeeds in developing a false human split personality type thing that can even look like:

– humility (false humility) – “oh I’m not part of things over there anymore cause I’m just serving another area of the church or ministry that really needs help” (running away)


– even a spiritual pride – “I’m better than them now, I’ve graduated from them, I’m going to go hang out with the more spiritually mature as this is what I need.”


“I’m leaving this church cause they just aren’t enlightened enough”.


“I’m going back to basics cause that ministry was too this or too that.”

This thinking is again Orphan mindset as it does not look to what God is doing and it’s a “me, me, me, mentality.”

Running away, distancing, breaking relationships and “moving on” secretly offended and holding judgments. This is not God. God is not in this.

At the end of the day, there is lack of connection, isolation, judgements, offences, jealousies, and division in the body of Christ.

🧐❤🔥Are you doing this?

If some of this strikes a cord or might even make you mad that it was mentioned, likely yes, you might be living with the Orphan Spirit as that will move you to do things contrary to the adoption spirit of God. There is no shame or condemnation here, Holy Spirit conviction may settle upon you as there is a way out!

Giving into the Orphan spirit and building fortresses and taking action can lead to low self esteem, anxieties, addictions, fears, mental attacks, leaving you open for ongoing attacks.


Remember you are an adopted child of God. You belong. It’s time to grow up and embrace this.

With relationships:

There’s wisdom in a multitude of counsellors, yes. This is good.

But what I’m referring to is not that. The orphan mentality will keep you running.

It’s the mindset of breaking covenant relationships, distancing out of offence and woundedness. Going to others so that the superficial facade is only seen and you are truly not seen.

No one is perfect and neither is our world. Only God is.

Healing awaits many who are constantly living in a self made world of offences and judgements.

❤‍🩹❤🙏🔑I know this may be a hard word, but it’s not meant to belittle, to give courage and build up! Holy Spirit brings things to light 💡 so nothing is hidden. Holy Spirit brings conviction so to provide a way out of Egypt!

Healing is a good thing. Healing is not running away, hiding etc, but it’s running into safety.

It might be time to get with a professional counsellor as some may be dealing not just with spiritual attacks, but emotional and mental aspects too that need addressing. Some may have built up years of fortresses in dealing with fear through abuse, traumas as well.

Yes, we pray and get in the Word of God and His presence but we also need to acknowledge that God may be waiting to also bring professionals and Godly people around you to help you in the journey of healing.

Please note, I said “help”.

There’s a saying “ You can lead a horse to water, but can’t make him drink.” This is true!

You can get all the help, prayers, scriptures etc etc, but until you make a choice to implement, you are playing games with yourself, God and others.

🔑For some this is costing you your life now and future.

🔑Not dealing with the traps of the enemy in our lives is not wisdom.

🔑Wisdom is: I see it now, I’m going to deal with this stuff. I’ve been entrapped far too long.

🔥❤🎁The good news is you are not alone, God is with you and will walk with you.

God is a healer ❤‍🩹 Receive it.

Be encouraged as God wants this for you.

You are worth it!

His perfect love casts out all fear.

Your breakthroughs await!

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Our Store is launching! Resources to encourage, equip and empower you! Mon, 05 Feb 2024 17:29:29 +0000 We are excited to provide resources by Summit Arise Int’l Ministries as well as other ministries to help you in your growth and journey! Helping restore, equip and empower leaders to the fullness of their God given calling in Christ!

Our store is growing and will have separate departments such as courses, books, Bibles, Journals, dvds, audios, ebooks etc. Stay tuned as we launch each department soon. For now, please enjoy the selections we currently have in our store. God Bless!

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Worship is More Than A Song – Receive Deliverance – Freedom – Healing Mon, 13 Nov 2023 22:02:37 +0000 [Thoughts to Ponder 🤔🙏🔥]

❤🎶🔥Worship is more than a song…allow God to bring you deliverance, freedom and healing today! (Thoughts to Ponder are below the video)

🎉🙏Praise God for who He is and who we are in him! What a blessing and privilege to be sons and daughters of the most High God!

Today, we want to share some thoughts to ponder on truly embracing who our God really is and our adoption as sons and daughters. I will be highlighting some things that the enemy brings and tries to slime our identity with and if we don’t take care of this, how it can stunt our growth and keep us in self-deception.

Also we will share some practical out-workings of deliverance from these things and allowing God to bring freedom and healing.

🎯 When we don’t know our true identity things will trigger us left right and centre. This will cause us stunting and hindrance in growth. The word of God tells us there comes a time to stop drinking the milk but eat real food. We are supposed to “grow up” and step into the fullness of our callings!

🎯Too many Christians although, will “do works” for performance sakes, they may read the word of God daily, pray, lead groups, participate in worship teams, and other ministries but their hearts are stunted and or blocked from the fullness of life God has for them!

🎯Please understand that their hearts are beautiful and God sees this, but in practical daily living there’s a hindrance and repeated cycles of bondage…this becomes a torment to them and to others.

🎯They enemy has them stuck in “works” rather than “being sons and daughters” of God full of the fruit of the spirit of God – our inheritance! (Galatians 5:22-23)

🎯 Key 🔑:

Some of this “works to be loved” instead of “being a child of God” cycle may come from traumas from childhood of not being validated, seen or heard, abandonment, neglect or other abuses. The enemy has found his way into the hearts that had a void through whatever trauma that needed real love, acceptance, safety, comfort.

🔑They have discovered by “being good or serving” people give them acceptance. The only problem is the core wound hasn’t been healed so the enemy has a legal right to torment and they often find themselves competitive, jealous and controlling.

🔑Deliverance and healing is needed like surgery of the heart to unclog the valves that are blocked!

🎯A scarcity mindset will keep us in fear and stirring up competition and jealousy. Fearing if someone shines brighter than us, and deep rooted fear that we will be forgotten is a very real thing and tremendous lie of the enemy.

🎯Fear will also drive very unhealthy control of our situations, surroundings, friends and the best of relationships.


When we really know our God! When we really know who we are in him, all the lies of fear and control fall to the ground.

🎯The chains of bondage that have kept us entrapped for so long and even generations, will break off. This is God’s promise to us.

🔑This doesn’t just happen though, we have to be intentional, repent of it, let go of giving Satan legal right to continue to torment us, we have to bind that up and get rid of it and allow God to have access to our hearts and bring deliverance and healing.

🎉🔑🔥Good news:

This is our God!! He will make this possible!! Let your identity in Christ arise! Let freedom and love be your portion to receive but also that you might give! Holy Spirit all consuming fire can burn away that which attempts to invade and hinder us! Remember.. Christ has won the victory through his resurrection power and this is our inheritance!

Let’s Pray 🙏❤❤‍🩹

❤‍🩹 Thank you Lord that I am yours! I fully embrace my adoption in you.

❤‍🩹 Forgive me that I’ve tried to do “works” rather than embrace my true adoption in “being yours”.

❤‍🩹I renounce trying to rule my life instead of letting you fully rule and reign in my life.

❤‍🩹 As I renounce my old ways, keep me from spiritual pride. Help me have a contrite heart before you and have compassion, grace and love for those in their journey. Help me be a conduit of healing.

❤‍🩹 Thank you Lord that there is a unique place in the Kingdom of God for me.

❤‍🩹 Thank you Lord that your love and my identity in you is being healed

❤‍🩹 Thank you Lord that my inheritance is in you alone.

❤‍🩹 thank you Lord for forgiveness and healing my heart from those that plot my destruction and have had a jealous eye on me. You are my healer and you are my shield. I chose forgiveness and freedom today.

❤‍🩹 Thank you Lord that you are giving me eyes to see and ears to hear that You are my God and all scarcity mindset and fear must go from my life in Jesus’s name as I sing and proclaim who you are! You are the deliverer!

❤‍🩹 I bless the body of Christ and each individual who you’ve gifted and bring their blessings and their unique voice to the table.

❤‍🩹 I bless all my friends, family and relationships. Forgive me for those I’ve spoken against, slandered, judged wrongly out loud or in my heart. Forgive me for mistreating and dishonouring your creation Lord and that I have brought grief to your heart through my insecurities and jealousies.

❤‍🩹 Forgive me that at times I’ve pointed fingers at others when it was my own jealous, insecure heart at work. I’m my self protection, it bred a prideful spirit of self-righteousness and I’ve cursed instead of blessed.

❤‍🩹I release all cursing through judgements In Jesus’s name and ask you would bring blessings to those I have misunderstood and misjudged.

❤Bring healing to my heart Lord. I embrace the power of Holy Spirit in my life to consume the dross and full my heart with comfort and the fullness of the fruit of the spirit of God.

❤Deliver me from the snares on of the enemy but also my wrong choices to not trust you God and to not fully embrace my identity in you.

❤Thank you for deliverance and freedom that I might also be a pure conduit to be a blessing to others.

❤ I want to be a carrier and giver of your love and life my God.

In Jesus name ~ Amen 🙏❤

Worship with us and allow God to minister to you in the areas of freedom, deliverance and healing!

Video below”This is Our God” – Phil Wickham

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Think On These Things – Philippians 4:8 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 02:52:01 +0000

[THOUGHTS TO PONDER…Think On These Things Philippians 4:8 ]

❤🙏Through the storms, it can be tempting to hyper focus on the bad news. God wants to carry the heavies and he gives us guidance through the storms and tools of warfare in His word!

💔❤‍🩹 While the storms may be rough and real to ride out, we certainly don’t undermine the reality of this, we have to hold on to the truth of who we are and who we are in Christ. This is not toxic positivity, it’s walking out our inheritance as believers. We are sons and daughters of the Almighty!

The Good News also is that we are never alone and He is a shield about us. We belong to Him and His promises are true.

It’s so important to bind our minds to the mind of Christ and our will to His will. Allow Holy Spirit’s comfort and God’s promises to deep deep into your hearts.

❤🙏If you are feeling overwhelmed, check out His word and lean into this truth:

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely — dwell on these things. – Philippians 4:8

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Thoughts To Ponder: Fasting Thu, 05 Oct 2023 03:33:23 +0000 🍁🍃 Happy October! 🎉🥧 This month we will focus some posts on digging deeper into the topic of Biblical Fasting.

📖 Today’s scripture is Isaiah 58:6

🧐🤔 Some “Thoughts To Ponder”:

Let’s start here with what it’s not:

Some will fast and parade it like the Pharisees did…out if “works” and to be seen and “admired”. God never called us to that and Jesus took a stand and was very vocal to oppose “Pharisaical works”.

Some will fast and even while fasting, continue to treat others harshly and be oppressive, manipulative and be takers rather than givers.

Some will hold positions of home/church/ministry leadership yet continue in their secret sins all the while they are “fasting” and subsequently.

Some will fast as a “religious duty”, and really end up fortifying a religious and self righteous spirit leading to entrenched spiritual pride as it’s not done for the right reasons.

Some will fast, just to be part of the pack because everyone else is doing it. They do this to be “accepted”, but miss the mark on finding true acceptance and authentic relationship with Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Some will fast to just “get, get, get” info or answered prayer from God..treating him like their sugar daddy. They forget that God wants relationship and not be dishing out the daily news report! Lol 😝

🛑✋ K… there, I said it..that’s some of the yucky stuff 🤢

🙏❤ I pray we will have a contrite heart to NOT play games with God or God’s people. That we would genuinely desire a real love and intimate relationship with God.

The good news is that if you have been part of the yucky stuff, God can straighten that out. You are on a journey and at times with lack of knowledge or mentoring, the enemy can get in there to try and derail your walk with the Lord and your destiny in Christ, BUT God can heal and set your course on the right path. He wants true relationship with you!

✅ Some of What It Is : (more to come)

True fasting is often done in the secret place. Often times, Holy Spirit will move our hearts to a fast without anyone knowing.

A true fast is a turning of our hearts towards Him, to allow our hearts be seen wholly by Him, to be closer and to be filled as we allow the deep dark & hurtful places to be emptied and replaced by His true love.

It’s a time of intimacy “into-me-see”. A leaning on His strength, wisdom and power. It is more about His infilling, rather than our abstaining.

Fasting is a time of deep intimacy of sitting at His feet to hear His heartbeat, His words, His secrets…. that will indeed transform us from the inside out if we allow His presence to seep into every place of our very being.

God bless you as you step into your personal seasons of fasting.

We will chat more about this with “Thoughts to Ponder…” this month. ❤🙏
