School of Healing

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School of Healing

Healing is active today!


Most of the miracles Jesus did during his ministry were healing. He also said “more are the things you will do”. Many times also, people were drawn to follow Jesus because he ministered to them in love and healing miracles!


JOHN 14:12

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.


You might ask:

·      I’ve been sick for so long, how do I get healing?

·      People have prayed for me, but nothing is changing.

·      My pastor says we don’t have the authority to lay hands on others, only Jesus did this.

·      What if my family or spouse doesn’t believe in healing?

·      What if a non-believer asks me to pray for their healing?

·      I have been prophesied that I have an anointing for healing. What does that mean and how do I walk this out responsibly?

·      Do you learn healing from a manual? Wikipedia? Help, where do I start?

·      I’m not an adult. Can I pray for healing?

·      I have been turned-off of ‘healing ministry’ because I’ve seen some crazy people on Christian tv with ridiculous claims and always asking for money! I want the real thing and integrity please.

·      Some people say that healing prayers are dangerous territory cause even the Shamans and magicians in Moses’ time displayed miracles and healings. I don’t want to move in the powers of darkness but want to be move with the Lord and power of the Holy Spirit.

·      How do you discern?

·      What if the healing someone needs isn’t physical, but they are tormented emotionally – depression, hearing voices, etc.


Come get answers to your questions, get biblical foundation and practical applications to what you will learn. Be empowered and activated to walk in what God has asked of you!



MODULE 5: Mentoring and Practical Applications
MODULE 6: Activation
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