
Welcome to Summit Arise Academy – Coming in early 2024!
Gain Access to our Schools Here

Each of the Schools in our Academy are available to all or by invitation – please contact us here to get on the waiting list to gain access! When we launch, you will be provided your personal login after we connect with you. All Schools and curriculum are listed in the dropdown list. Hope to see you there!

Watch video with course highlights and read more below about the SAIM ACADEMY!

About Summit Arise Academy and Your Calling:

Sitting in a classroom gathering info or reading countless of books, listening to worship music, going conferences, or even going to church every Sunday and prayer meetings will get you so far and IS beneficial! But, here’s the thing: Jesus actually modelled something different to us as he took the disciples on a life journey as friends and for hands-on ministry with him and in the same way today desires us to grow into mature believers, embracing our true identity, with a mission and actually step out and like Nike says “JUST DO IT!”

He said to his disciples “follow me”. (John 10:27) He took them under his wing and brought them alongside him as he ministered. They served him, but He empowered them to minister as well! This is true discipleship and mentoring. Lol.. they even fell asleep while he asked them to join him in prayer. No disciple is perfect, but He kept investing in them! This takes actual relationship with people, time and patience as people are on a personal journey of growth.

Then He commanded them to ‘Go! Make disciples of all nations”. (Matthew 28:19-20) He didn’t say stay in the church and make it a country club! In fact Jesus despised that and He called out the religious pharisees on this! (Read Mathew 23 – it will blow your mind how vocal Jesus was on this topic of hypocricy)

Now, it is true that Jesus did say it is important to gather amongst believers for mutual admonishing and fellowship, but he nurtured and ‘sent’ the disciples. There comes a time we need to grow up and stop drinking baby milk and start eating real food and get out and DO what Jesus asked of us. When we ‘make disciples’, this goes way beyond leading people repenting of their sins and asking Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour. That’s a good and first step, but it’s not fulfilling the mandate to occupy the earth and make disciples. There also needs to be teaching, mentoring, empowering and a sending out to do the same as Jesus. We ned to be a people that embrace our Godly inheritance and go be fruitful and multiply!

Ephesians 4:11-13 – And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

We are God’s hands and feet on earth. Jesus modelled this for us. He empowers us with Holy Spirit and even said “greater are the works you will do!”. (John 14:12) Wow! imagine that!?! … but aren’t we just dust in the wind? Isn’t it pride to think we can do greater works that Jesus did? (We break this down more in our schools as we all have different gift sets, some are public, while others function in the quiet or behind the scenes, but all of equal value and impact!)

Let’s go back to the thinking, if we are ‘nothing’, then why did God create us after his own image? Why did He care to put gift sets within each of us? Why would a good Father not want His kids to soar? Why does he call us ‘inheritors’. If we are ‘nothing’ then why did He care to send his only son Jesus so that we could model our lives after him. If we are ‘nothing’ then why did Jesus ‘send us out to go make disciples?’.

It is false theology to embrace this concept that we are ‘nothing’.
What then? If we believe this false theology, we stay seated in the church pews, powerless, like little kids in kindergarten, don’t expect answered prayers all our lives expecting only the pastor and elders to do the ministry that we are all actually called to according to His calling on our own lives? This old mindset is called ‘religious thinking’ and doesn’t agree with the Bible. The enemy has used this structure of religiosity to keep God’s people silent, powerless, hopeless and dependent on others to do the works Jesus did. Unfortunately, this was the way of the church when it moved from a Hebraic mindset to a Greek mindset and it became a political system rather than what Jesus and the scriptures teach us. For years the church was stuck in the system that only the priest could minister. This kept believers stunted for centuries!

That all sounds kinda doom and gloom right? Well, here’s the real GOOD NEWS!

We are ALL called to lead, to hear God’s voice, to embrace being sons and daughters of Christ, we are His inheritors, we belong to Him and we are not better or less than the other person, we are the family of God and we have the authority and power through Christ to make a difference in this world! This is not for the select few, nor is it just for those that go to seminary for years or hold a certificate. (This not to downplay the value of seminary etc, but we break this down more in our academy schools that will help you understand that there are also other ways to be equipped and activated).

There is a purpose and plan for you. There is a calling for you. There is a place for you. There is a belonging for you.

SUMMIT ARISE ACADEMY has different schools to help restore, equip and empower YOU! So that you in turn can do the same and step into the fullness of your God given calling!

Look in the dropdown list above for our current schools or below quick links.

Aside from the schools, we also have practical activation gatherings, events and missions!

Keep looking through this site and connect with your newsletter and social spaces as well as we like to stay in touch and walk with you in your journey!

SAIM ACADEMY: List of Schools