Program: Conquer Series

Freedom Sessions: God’s Battle Plan For Purity on Now!

God’s plan for us is for a hope and a bright future! A harsh reality though is that Sin distances us from God.
the good news is HE has conquered sin and as sons and daughters, we are forgiven and saved through grace! Because we live in a fallen world and hardships and traumas of life, the enemy can at times get a hook to ensnare us into addictions with his strategy to bring shame and distancing us from him and authentic relationships with others.

Sexual addiction is one of the hardest addictions to overcome. It can also open the door to many other types of addictions that brew a dangerous cocktail of ensnarement in many lives. Along with it, it brings shame and isolation. …and yet God’s love, grace and power can free us! Jesus conquered the grave and arose in Victory!

This is good news!

Because it isn’t solely a spiritual issue, as addictions affect the brain physiologically, and literally rewire the brain, addictions need specialized treatment.

If not dealt with, overtime addictions affect the prefrontal cortex of the brain, causing other affects such as not being able to distinguish right from wrong choices in life, confusion, depression, anxiety, impulsivity and wreaking havoc on relationships, ministries and careers! This is the enemy’s assignment to steal kill and destroy.


He can deliver you from the entanglement of the enemy! Know you are not alone.

We invite you to join us in this program we are hosting for your breakthrough. It’s time to kick shame out the door and arise and become all that God has called you to be!

Contact us: for more info and registration.

These sessions are biblically based, confidential and led by certified trained specialists in this area of freedom and led in person or online.