School of Practical Living

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School of Practical Living

Let’s Get Real and Practical with Christianity….

Have you ever met a Christian and you can’t even have a normal conversation because they are way out in Christianeze-land or their heads are in the clouds?


When people in your workplace run away from them because the Christian in the office has decided that all the employees are thier ‘conversion project’?


Whenever you bring up God or Christianity people equate it with the newest sleazy story about a mega chuch pastor’s affair or the tv evangelist selling snake oil?


The Christians in your life no one wants to do business with them because of their lack of integrity?


Some Christians are genuinely ‘nice people’, but have no clue how to own up to responsibilities like paying rent, bills etc? Or you invite them to gatherings or a pot-luck event and they show up an hour late and don’t bring anything?

Some Christians are downright embarrasing and bring shame to the Gospel!

BUT then there’s HOPE! 

You actually have encountered some Christians with integrity, descretion, loyalty, etc. There is something diferent about them! They truly carry class and finesse. People trust them, learn from them, receive from them, give to them, want to be around them, and want to learn more about Christianity when they encounter them.

This is more than favor, these people have been discipled and mentored on how to practically implement their faith in a practical world. They have done the work and you can too! 

Come explore practically wallking out your faith and abundant living!

– How to live with a healthy fear of GOD, avoiding ‘greasy grace’, but knowing the fullness of God’s grace.

– How to authentically walk out relationships and live with integrity and not to bring shame to the Gospel. 

– How to live Biblically grounded, but not legalistically.

– How to embrace Holy Spirit but not become ‘spooky spiritual’.

– How to walk out your calling, while at the same time drawing healthy boundaries to take care of yourself, your relationships and your resposibilities.

– Just as the Gutenberg Press helped with the printing of the Bible, during Martin Luther King era, and Television helped get the Evangelistic message out during Billy Graham’s era, so are the powerful tools of technology available today for every believer for the Kingdom Harvest! Learn how to embrace these tools and how to keep things in balance in practival living.

Join us for an insightful and tranformational journey that is also filled with fun and laughter as we are human after all eh?!



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